Area of Educational Psychology EDPSY 566 (sections A and B), Summer 2008
School Psychology Case Study Peer Review


1.      Participants electronically submit a complete annotated psychological report to your group and the professor for their critique via the peer review module of Catalyst three days prior to your class presentation. This will give the other participants an opportunity to review your work before the presentation. Failure to do so will result in a failing (no pass) grade. Turn in your report by selecting the appropriate link to the right REVISION:  choose the link "all groups- turn in reports here."  Due to some technical difficulties, you will not use the subgroup links on this page.  Instead, use the main link and follow to the location for your group.  (Select "Group __ Report" and you will be connected to the peer review module of Catalyst). If you select a group that you are NOT assigned to, you will not be permitted to log in.

2.       Verbally present the case to the group on the assigned date providing a thorough discussion of the most salient information that lead to the assessments chosen and the interventions used with the student, as well as intervention outcome data. Cases may be presented with or without technology.  Meaning, Powerpoint can be used to guide the presentation.  If Powerpoint will be used, the presentation should be emailed to the instructor by 10 pm the night before the presentation day. Each presenter will have forty minutes to present his or her case. Thirty minutes should be spent presenting the case commenting on each section of the report in an efficient manner. Following the presentation, ten minutes will be used for questions by the class participants. Questions should be used to clarify potential concerns with the case, presentation, or written material.

3.       All class participants must evaluate the other participants psychological report and presentation using the evaluation form (see Psychological Report Rating Form). The evaluation of the submitted psychological report will include a rating for each section and comments for the overall report. Ratings are to be based on the combined written work and oral presentation. Due to the large number of participants in this class, the Psychological Report Rating Forms are to be completed electronically using the WebQ module of Catalyst. To complete these ratings, select the links on the right side of this webpage (Select "WebQ evaluation # ___ " and you will be connected to the WebQ modules).  Select each link and complete individual evaluations for every member of your group. The ratings for each group member are due the second day following the class presentation.  If participants have a laptop computer, it is highly recommended that you bring them on the presentation day.  You will have access to the internet and can complete the ratings immediately after each presentation.  There is also a computer lab on the 4th floor of Miller Hall that participants can use after class for this purpose.  It is essential that all participants follow these procedures since there will be approximately 250 of these rating forms completed by the last class day.  At the end of the course, all participants will receive a compilation of the quantitative ratings for each report section and comments on the presentation and report.

4.      You must be present for all presentations on your assigned day in order to receive credit for the course. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are only able to be present for part of the time due to an emergency, you will be required to attend an additional FULL day of presentations. To be respectful of everyone's schedules, the instructor will bring a timer to ensure that the presentations remain in the time limit.

Group A Report
Group B Report
Group C Report
Group D Report
WebQ Evaluation #1
WebQ Evaluation #2
WebQ Evaluation #3
WebQ Evaluation #4
WebQ Evaluation #5
WebQ Evaluation #6
WebQ Evaluation #7
WebQ Evaluation #8